125 tourist operators between Italy and Slovenia
PO DELTA SLOW ITINERARY (Rovigo Province) DURATION: 1 NIGHT/2 DAYS DESCRIPTION: 1st Day : Visit to the Museum of Cà Vendramin where there is a water-scooping dating back to 1900. Following navigation along the Po to visit the spot of the most important wetlands of the park, where hundreds of herons nest. Free time for lunch. From there we well reach Ca' Pisani flood plain, with a nature guided tours. Following cycling in the valleys up to Porto Levante (Km.15). Dinner with local products and overnight stay. 2nd Day: visit and guided tour to Giardino Botanico Litoraneo del Veneto (Coastal Botanicale Gardens of Veneto), which features a greatvariety of habitats, from the lagoon to the dunes to the beach. Info: EMOZIONANDO PER IL MONDO VIAGGI METE E DINTORNI SRL - Ref: Simona Ragazzi or Flavia Cestari
Via Eridania, 109d 45030 Occhiobello (RO) - Ph. +39 0425-750895
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- www.emozionandoviaggi.pinguino.it
ROVIGO AND SURROUNDINGS SLOW ITINERAY (Rovigo Province) DURATION: 1 NIGHT/2 DAYS DESCRIPTION: 1st Day: Visit to Villa Badoer UNESCO world heritage site in the center of Fratta Polesine and Carbonari's villas. Lunch in a local restaurant where we can enjoy traditional products and dishes. Continue to Rovigo where we will visit the city, Roverella Palace, the pictures gallery of the Accademia dei Concordi, the church called "La Rotonda", the Teatro Sociale, the Cathedral and the Museum of the Great Rivers, a modern exhibition of the Polesine environment and history. Dinner and overnight stay. 2nd Day : Visit of Adria and the National Archeological Museum. . Info: EMOZIONANDO PER IL MONDO VIAGGI METE E DINTORNI SRL - Ref: Simona Ragazzi or Flavia Cestari
Via Eridania, 109d 45030 Occhiobello (RO) - Ph. +39 0425-750895
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- www.emozionandoviaggi.pinguino.it
ALTO POLESINE SLOW ITINERARY (Rovigo Province) DURATION: 1 NIGHT/2 DAYS DESCRIPTION: 1st Day: Departure from Bergantino, a small village lies on the banks of the Po river, famous for the beautiful National Museum of Carousel . The tour continues with a visit to Badia Polesine to Vangadizza Abbey , important Benedictine monastery. Lunch in a restaurant where we can enjoy traditional products and dishes. After lunch you visit Lendinara and its peculiar Sanctuary “Della Madonna del Pilastrello” (Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Pilastrello), famous for the thousands of pilgrims every year. To follow tasting at the Distillery Mantovani. Dinner and overnight. 2nd Day: Visit to Villa Badoer and villas Carbonare , UNESCO World Heritage Site. Info: EMOZIONANDO PER IL MONDO VIAGGI METE E DINTORNI SRL - Ref: Simona Ragazzi or Flavia Cestari
Via Eridania, 109d 45030 Occhiobello (RO) - Ph. +39 0425-750895
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- www.emozionandoviaggi.pinguino.it
BY BICYCLE BETWEEN HISTORY, NATURE AND GASTRONOMY (Ferrara Province, Rovigo Province) DURATION: 1 NIGHT/2 DAYS DESCRIPTION: 1st Day: Departure from Stellata, a very old village, leaving behind the Rocca Possente in the shape of a star, until reach Bondeno and then Ferrara (24km). Guided walk tour and reinterpretation gastronomical of sites and monuments symbol of Ferrara UNESCO World Heritage Site: The Cathedral, Jewish Ghetto, “fondachi medioevali”, dinner at local restaurant and overnight stay. 2nd Day: Transfer to Barricata, for a jurnay by bike to “Sacca degli Scardovari”, stop for lunch, Follow excursion by boat to discover the mouths of the Po Delta. Info: EMOZIONANDO PER IL MONDO VIAGGI METE E DINTORNI SRL - Ref: Simona Ragazzi or Flavia Cestari
Via Eridania, 109d 45030 Occhiobello (RO) - Ph. +39 0425-750895
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- www.emozionandoviaggi.pinguino.it
FERRARA, COMACCHIO AND “ SALINE DI CERVIA” (Ferrara province, Ravenna Province) DURATION: 2 NIGHTS/3 DAYS DESCRIPTION: 1st Day : Visit in Ferrara and the Estense Castle, free lunch, in the afternoon guided ciclotour in the city, trought its historic center and the beautiful sixteenth century walls surrounded by an quiet green landscape. Dinner and overnight stay. 2nd Day : Comacchio, vist the town and following a boat ride in the valleys and “Casoni” . Lunch break. Afternoon departure for Cervia and visit the sector of saltstores and in the “Saline di Cervia”. 3st Day : Ravenna, visit of Basilica di San Vitale, the Mausoleo di Galla Placida, Sant Apollinare Nuovo with mosaics. Info: EMOZIONANDO PER IL MONDO VIAGGI METE E DINTORNI SRL - Ref: Simona Ragazzi or Flavia Cestari
Via Eridania, 109d 45030 Occhiobello (RO) - Ph. +39 0425-750895
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- www.emozionandoviaggi.pinguino.it
FROM CHIOGGIA TO VOLANO PINEWOODS” (Rovigo Province, Ferrara Province) DURATION: 4 NIGHTS/5 DAYS DESCRIPTION: 1st day: Departure by bike from Chioggia where you can visit the fish market. You cross the spectacular “Via delle Valli” and can be reached the Island of Albarella. This private oasis encloses an heaven of beaches and Golf courses. Holiday destination for elite tourism. Possibility of horse riding or water activities. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel. 2nd day: free day for individual activities on the island -Dinner and overnight stay in the hotel 3rd day: transfer to Cà Vendramin and visit and take a boat trip in the Sacca degli Scardovari. Lunch. Departure by bike to Mesola and visit to the Castello Estense and the Great Forest of Mesola, you will reach Volano. Dinner and overnight stay in the village or surrounding. 4th day: Breakfast, free time for individual activities, lunch and Departure by bike to visit Pomposa Abbey. Dinner and overnight stay. Info: EMOZIONANDO PER IL MONDO VIAGGI METE E DINTORNI SRL - Ref: Simona Ragazzi or Flavia Cestari
Via Eridania, 109d 45030 Occhiobello (RO) - Ph. +39 0425-750895
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- www.emozionandoviaggi.pinguino.it
COMACCHIO, MESOLA, GORO: BETWEEN LAGOONS, CULTURE AND NATURE (Ferrara Province) DURATION: 2 NIGHTS/3 DAYS DESCRIPTION: Itinerary to discover the most beautiful places of the Po river Delta. Comacchio and its famous symbol "Trepponti"; Mesola with its Castle, a 16th century residence of the Este family, today home for the Wood and Deer Museum; the Comacchio Valleys and the Sacca di Goro, natural oasis where you can spot many wildlife species that make our region unique. The trip includes a combination of different "Slow" vehicles such as bikes and boats, in addition to regenerating walks in contact with the environment. Stops for the tasting of typical products are also included, in order to fully enjoy this magic experience. 1st day: St. Alberto di Ravenna, Visit to the Museum of Nature, Excursion in Boscoforte Oasis, Visit to the historical center of Comacchio / 2nd day: Manifattura dei Marinati in Comacchio, Scenic Acciaioli road, Cannevié Oasis, Pomposa Abbey, Mesola Wood / 3rd day: Mesola and its Castle, "Destra Po" bike route to Gorino, Boat excursion in the Sacca di Goro Info: GAURUS VIAGGI - Ref. Vitalina Brugnoli
Via Risorgimento, 4 44020 Goro (FE) - Ph. +39 0533 996006
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FORM PINEWOOD TO SALTWORKS (Ferrara Province, Ravenna Province) DURATION: 4 NIGHTS/5 DAYS DESCRIPTION: Itinerary to discover the beautiful Ravenna, capital of the Mosaic and to search the Cervia's white gold: the salt. Walk slowly in the Classe pinewood among its oaks, hornbeam and Mediterranean shrubs. Have a break in the charming town of Comacchio, make a boat trip in its valleys, visit the millenary Pomposa Abbey along the ancient romanic road Romea and reach Mesola with its impressive castle. The journey ends in Goro with tastings and excursions to discover the Delta area. 1st day: Ravenna and its historical centre / 2nd day: Classe pinewood, Cycling in the Cervia saltwork, Tasting and demonstration of salt collecting / 3th day: St. Alberto di Ravenna, Visit to the Museum of Nature, Excursions in Boscoforte Oasis and Comacchio lagoon, Visit to the historical center of Comacchio / 4th day: Manifattura dei Marinati in Comacchio, Scenic Acciaioli road, Cannevié Oasis, Pomposa Abbey, Mesola Wood / 5th day: Mesola and its Castle, "Destra Po" bike route to Gorino, Boat excursion in the Sacca di Goro Info: GAURUS VIAGGI - Ref. Vitalina Brugnoli
Via Risorgimento, 4 44020 Goro (FE) - Ph. +39 0533 996006
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PO DELTA SLOW EXPERIENCE (Ferrara Province, Ravenna province) DURATION: 3 NIGHTS/4 DAYS DESCRIPTION: Charming staying in the most interesting and exclusive places of the Po Delta. A special trip by boat, bike and on horseback to discover the architectural and historical beauties of the land 1St day: Visit of Comacchio and museums / 2nd day: Visit of Punte Alberete and horseback stroll, lunch in restaurant, in the afternoon excursion with typical boat in Comacchio lagoon, Valle Campo / 3rd day: departure by bike from Santa Giustina to Mesola, transfer to Pomposa Abbey and visit, in the afternoon exclusive excursion onboard a small silent boat through the dense reed-thicket of the Po di Volano / 4th day: guided tour of Ferrara Info: PO DELTA TOURISM
C.so Mazzini, 136 44022 Comacchio (FE) - Ph. +39 0533 81302
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